
Sprint Start from Stomach

Hey everyone, today we're going to be discussing sprint starts from a laying position. So we're going to start from a prone or on our stomach position today working on max speed and acceleration. So we're going to instruct our athlete to get on their stomach. And then we're going to go through the d...

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Rectus Femoris Self Stretch - Prone Hip Mobility

So once you're in the position, you're going to bend the knee up and you can use a strap a belt or even a sheet at home. And then go ahead and kick out against that belt so that you're getting a little resistance there. Good. And then relax and gently pull that up just a little bit farther. And t...

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Multifidus Training

Now we're going to work on teaching her how to feel that multifidus contraction first of all reflexively, and then ultimately we want her to feel it volitionally. But this is kind of the first step. So what I'm going to have her do is I'm going to have you take this hand and bring it and find the...

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Sprint Start from Lateral Shuffle

Hey everyone. In this video, we're going to be discussing a sprint start starting from a lateral shuffle. So in this drill, what we're going to do is instruct our athlete to line up facing a direction about 90 degrees from where they're running. And so what we're going to do is we'll start into a la...

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Tibial Rotation Assessment


Let's go ahead and bring your right foot out to the side. Slide it out. Keep that knee nice and still. Good. And let's see the left foot. Let's do both feet at the same time. And let's do internal rotation on the right and keep that foot, nice and flat. So that's really limited. Let’s go ahead on...

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A Hop agility dorsiflexion speed

Hey everyone! Today we're going to be discussing an A Hop for maximal speed and acceleration training. So for this drill, it's going to be the same setup as our A March would be. We're going to achieve dorsiflexion or a toe up position with the knee drive. And for this drill, what we're going to do ...

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Lower Body Flexion Rolling


For lower body rolling bring both arms overhead, and you're going to pretend that you cannot move from your waist up. That means your upper body is staying perfectly still. Bring the leg over and across your body. And the last thing that should come over is the upper body. And it should come over...

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Lateral March agility speed

Hey everyone. Today we're going to be discussing lateral speed and agility training. And in this video we're going to cover a lateral march. So we’ll instruct our athlete to assume the starting position going through a march getting comfortable with that. So marching. And on our signal we'll have th...

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Hands & Knees to 3 Point Transition - Phase 1

For the hands and knees to three point transition phase one,  start by bringing your foot up next to your hand, and then come up nice and tall with your arms overhead, getting into a nice tall posture. Come on back down and repeat. 

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A Skip Triple Exchange acceleration speed

Hey everyone, in this video, we're going to be discussing A Skip with a triple exchange for maximum speed and acceleration development. This will be very similar to our regular A Skip and our A Skip with our double exchange. So we're going to instruct our athlete to get into the starting position. O...

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Push To Base agility speed

Hey, everyone. Today we're going to be discussing a lateral push to base drill for lateral speed and agility. So what we'll do is instruct our athlete to get in the starting position in an athletic ready position. Then what we're going to do is we are going to push in the direction of which we want ...

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Upper Body Flexion Rolling upper body

For upper body rolling both arms overhead and then bring your one arm so it's at a 90 degree angle and you're going to roll, keeping your legs perfectly still. So you are not moving from the waist down. Turn your neck and rotate slowly coming over. And come back. What you can see is how the legs ...

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