Hey everyone! Today we're going to be discussing an A Skip. The setup will be similar to the A Hop and A March like we did in the earlier videos. So for this we are going to assume the starting position. So our two big points of focus here are knee drive, toe up and then pushing through our toe on t...
For lower body rolling bring both arms overhead, and you're going to pretend that you cannot move from your waist up. That means your upper body is staying perfectly still. Bring the leg over and across your body. And the last thing that should come over is the upper body. And it should come over...
Hey everyone. Today we're going to be discussing lateral speed and agility training. And in this video we're going to cover a lateral march. So we’ll instruct our athlete to assume the starting position going through a march getting comfortable with that. So marching. And on our signal we'll have th...
For diaphragmatic breathing, go ahead and put one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach and take a deep breath in. We want all the movement to be coming from the stomach, so your hand on your chest should be staying nice and still, while the one on your stomach is moving up toward ...
Hey, everyone. Today we're going to be discussing a lateral push to base drill for lateral speed and agility. So what we'll do is instruct our athlete to get in the starting position in an athletic ready position. Then what we're going to do is we are going to push in the direction of which we want ...
For the lean, lock, lift exercise with weight, you will bend the left knee up. Hug your arms around it. Bring your knee all the way up to your chest. Lean toward that right side. Straighten your knee all the way out and bring your toes up toward your nose. And then go ahead and lift the leg up, k...
For the half kneeling dorsiflexion stretch with the kettlebell, you're going to grab the bell and put your foot out to the side at a right angle to your down knee. You're going to stay up nice and tall, shoulders back, and you're going to lean forward, keeping that heel down on the ground. And y...
So once you're in the position, you're going to bend the knee up and you can use a strap a belt or even a sheet at home. And then go ahead and kick out against that belt so that you're getting a little resistance there. Good. And then relax and gently pull that up just a little bit farther. And t...
For internal rotation isometric, go ahead and place a towel roll underneath your arm and stand with your shoulder blades down and back. And with your elbow at 90 degrees, go ahead and push into the doorframe for 10s while maintaining that really good posture. And then repeat.
Hey everybody. In this video we're going to be discussing B Skipping. This will be very similar to the B Marching we did in the previous video, except we're adding a skip to it now. So we're going to do is ask our athlete to get into the starting position and to review for this drill, we're going to...