For internal rotation isometric, go ahead and place a towel roll underneath your arm and stand with your shoulder blades down and back. And with your elbow at 90 degrees, go ahead and push into the doorframe for 10s while maintaining that really good posture. And then repeat.
For the lean, lock, lift exercise with weight, you will bend the left knee up. Hug your arms around it. Bring your knee all the way up to your chest. Lean toward that right side. Straighten your knee all the way out and bring your toes up toward your nose. And then go ahead and lift the leg up, k...
For the hands and knees to three point transition phase four, we're going to start by bringing the leg straight back and fully extending the knee. And then getting into that kneeling position in one smooth transition, getting up nice and tall. The important thing with this exercise is to make sure t...
Now we're going to teach the transverse abdominis contraction. So what we're going to do here is I'm going to get the person to feel it first. So is it okay if I put my hands on your hips? All right. So I’m going to put my hands on her hips. I'm going to go from the ASIS and then inferior and med...
For diaphragmatic breathing, go ahead and put one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach and take a deep breath in. We want all the movement to be coming from the stomach, so your hand on your chest should be staying nice and still, while the one on your stomach is moving up toward ...
For upper body extension rolling, start with both arms overhead and then bend the lead elbow. Looking at that elbow by turning your head and you're going to pretend that you cannot move from the waist down. You're going to initiate the rolling with your elbow and your head looking, keeping the le...
Hey everyone! Today we're going to be discussing an A Skip. The setup will be similar to the A Hop and A March like we did in the earlier videos. So for this we are going to assume the starting position. So our two big points of focus here are knee drive, toe up and then pushing through our toe on t...
Hey, everyone! Today we're going to be discussing A March for linear speed development and acceleration development. So we're going to instruct our athlete to get in the starting position and the big emphasis for this drill is achieving maximum dorsiflexion or toe up and then driving through the toe...
For hands and knees to three point transition phase two, start by bringing your foot up to your hand and then bring your arms overhead. Get up nice and tall and then come on down and bring your leg straight back. Being sure to fully extend the knee and then come back and repeat that position.
Now we're going to show an ankle dorsiflexion mobilization technique. You can certainly do your traditional one where we're doing a posterior glide of the talus as that knee comes forward. So go ahead and bring your knee forward. And I'm directing my ankle down this way here. And then come o...
For prone hip mobility, start by bringing your foot to the floor and bringing that knee up as far as you can towards your chest. You really want that knee up in your armpit, and then take your arm and wrap it around your knee and hug your knee to your chest even more. You want to be sure you're k...