
Rectus Femoris Active Stretch - Prone Hip Mobility hip


For prone hip mobility, start by bringing your foot to the floor and bringing that knee up as far as you can towards your chest. You really want that knee up in your armpit, and then take your arm and wrap it around your knee and hug your knee to your chest even more. You want to be sure you're k...

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A Hop agility dorsiflexion speed

Hey everyone! Today we're going to be discussing an A Hop for maximal speed and acceleration training. So for this drill, it's going to be the same setup as our A March would be. We're going to achieve dorsiflexion or a toe up position with the knee drive. And for this drill, what we're going to do ...

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Tibial Internal Rotation Mobilization internal rotation

So now we're going to take a look at her internal rotation passively. We saw what it was when she was doing it actively. She was really limited in internal rotation. So we're going to show you the passive test of this. We're just going to bring her hip up to 90. I like to get in here kind of cup ...

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Tibial Rotation Assessment


Let's go ahead and bring your right foot out to the side. Slide it out. Keep that knee nice and still. Good. And let's see the left foot. Let's do both feet at the same time. And let's do internal rotation on the right and keep that foot, nice and flat. So that's really limited. Letā€™s go ahead on...

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Ankle Step Over ankle dorsiflexion

For the ankle step over exercise, place the balls of your feet up on a board or a book. Lean into the wall with your elbows. Now keeping that ankle in that same stretched position, step over the board and lightly touch your heel down and then return. A key thing on this exercise is to make sure you'...

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Kettlebell Ankle Dorsiflexion Stretch dorsiflexion

Ā For the half kneeling dorsiflexion stretch with the kettlebell, you're going to grab the bell and put your foot out to the side at a right angle to your down knee. You're going to stay up nice and tall, shoulders back, and you're going to lean forward, keeping that heel down on the ground. And y...

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Lateral March agility speed

Hey everyone. Today we're going to be discussing lateral speed and agility training. And in this video we're going to cover a lateral march. So weā€™ll instruct our athlete to assume the starting position going through a march getting comfortable with that. So marching. And on our signal we'll have th...

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Transverse Abdominis Assessment & Facilitation


Now we're going to teach the transverse abdominis contraction. So what we're going to do here is I'm going to get the person to feel it first. So is it okay if I put my hands on your hips? All right. So Iā€™m going to put my hands on her hips. I'm going to go from the ASIS and then inferior and med...

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Phil's Essential Products
These are theĀ equipment and products that I use on a regular basis.



Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Test Kit

I still prefer the PVC version, but call me old fashioned.

Y-Balance Test Kit

Be sure to get theĀ PVC one NOT the Professional Wood one. It is one of the few tim...

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Diaphragmatic Breathing -- Tall Kneeling

For diaphragmatic breathing in tall kneeling, place one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach.Take a deep breath in and you should feel all the movement coming from your stomach, so the hand on your chest should not move at all, while the one on your stomach moves out forward.

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Lower Body Extension Rolling


For lower body extension rolling start with both arms overhead. For this rolling pattern, you're going to keep your arms and your upper body completely still like you can't move them. You're going to begin the pattern by bringing the leg over and across your body, while keeping the upper body rel...

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Discharge Testing: Why I Didnā€™t Do It discharge testing medbridge return to sport

I remember him vividly.

He was a cantankerous old farmer. You know the type. Rough and rugged exterior but would do anything for anyone at the drop of a hat. At 72, he was still working on the farm daily.

Heā€™d had a total hip replacementĀ and was resistant to physical therapy from the beginning.Ā 

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