Want to learn more about how we work with a live patient in the pre-op and immediate post op phase, check out ACL Rehab Live Patient Case Series:Strengthening and Complex Movement.
Kyle: How's that feel?
Cam: I feel more of a stretch on my left hamstring.
Kyle: Okay. More, more feel like you'r...
Want to learn more about how we work with a live patient in the pre-op and immediate post op phase, check out ACL Rehab Live Patient Case Series:Strengthening and Complex Movement.
Kyle: Let's try some hip hinging real quick. This is a great pattern for loading up your hips, working on that powerf...
Want to learn more about how we work with a live patient in the pre-op and immediate post op phase? Check out ACL Rehab Live Patient Case Series: Setting Up Success.
Phil: All right. Let's go through these guidelines. These guidelines are developed so that basically we can return you to sport wit...
Want to learn more about how we work with a live patient in the pre-op and immediate post op phase? Check out ACL Rehab Live Patient Case Series: Setting Up Success.
Phil: So I have Cam with me who tore his ACL. So you tore your ACL a few weeks ago. Tell me what happened.
Cam: Yeah. So about a ...
In the second episode of the Rehab & Performance Lab podcast, Disconnected Expectations: How Do You Manage ACL Return-to-Sport Timelines?, I team up with Dr. Kyle Matsel to discuss the complexities surrounding ACL return-to-sport timelines.
You can listen to this episode at the links below:
...I recently received this question:
"I have had a couple patients now that have opted for the non-op route for ACL or PCL injuries. For context, they’re not current athletes are 30s to 50s, but do want to get back to their recreational activity. I’ve had a hard time finding comprehensive protocols f...
There are so many great courses on Medbridge for athletic trainers. Sometimes it can be hard to decide which ones to take. That's why we have compiled this list of our favorite Medbridge courses for athletic trainers. If you are trying to decide if a Medbridge subscription is worth it for you as an ...
Hey, everyone. I had a reader submitted question here about ACL reconstruction.
“Hello, I'm a PT and I've been really enjoying going through your med bridge courses. They've been super insightful, particularly with ACL reconstruction."
Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I love doing them. They're...
Knee extension ROM is essential after ACL reconstruction. We know we need to restore it (including full hyperextension) but sometimes it can be tricky. Using this hold relax technique can be a game changer especially when you combine it with an external rotation bias.
If you need a MedBridge subs...
The question is, "Why do you emphasize that you should achieve full knee hyperextension after ACL reconstruction?" And I tell you what, I am shocked at this being such a hot button issue. The amount of pushback, the number of questions, the amount of, "Wow, I didn't even know that," from everybody...
The most common question we get after our ACL reconstruction rehabilitation course on MedBridge is why do you emphasize that you need to achieve full knee hyperextension after ACL reconstruction?
So I thought I would dive in deep into this topic. And I think it comes with some natural questions or...
[Phil]: Hey, everyone. I've been having some discussions with Dr. Kyle Matsel, and he's joining me again here. And we've been talking about ACL reconstruction rehabilitation, and we've really talked a lot about return to sport and high level competition.
But what I want to talk about is how do thi...