What things should you consider when working with non-op ACLR?
I recently received this question:
"I have had a couple patients now that have opted for the non-op route for ACL or PCL injuries. For context, they’re not current athletes are 30s to 50s, but do want to get back to their recreational activity. I’ve had a hard time finding comprehensive protocols for this. I know the importance of getting full knee ext (even hyper extension) and addressing quad strength and motor control, but what are some things you feel must be addressed in a non-op situation in terms of intervention? Any patient education you would make sure you include? Thanks and always appreciate your content!"
In this video, I explain how I work with non-operative ACLR.
Download a copy of my ACL Reconstruction Guidelines.
For more information on ACL Reconstruction and Rehabilitation, check out my Learn with Me page.