
Can you have an optimal Y Balance Test or Functional Movement Screen score and still have increased risk of injury? fms move2perform y balance test

I tested a player in professional sports who had the following Y Balance Test and Functional Movement Screen scores. Here is his Move2Perform report:



If you will notice, his Y Balance Test Lower Quarter scores were great – symmetrical and above the risk cut point for his gender, sport, and co...

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How to Get Started with Testing at your High School or University coaches club fms group testing y balance test

Team testing on a large scale is not something that comes easily to most of us.  In this video, Dr. Matthew Stump and I discuss the steps involved in getting starting in testing at the individual and team level.

We discuss:

  • The biggest problems I see getting started with group testing.
  • The proc
  • ...
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Pre-Op ACL Discharge Testing Checklist Discussion acl discharge testing fms return to sport sfma y balance test

Want to learn more about how we work with a live patient in the pre-op and immediate post op phase?  Check out ACL Rehab Live Patient Case Series: Setting Up Success.

Phil:  All right. Let's go through these guidelines. These guidelines are developed so that basically we can return you to sport wit...

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MLB Combine Testing Team grip strength testing importance mlb mlb combine rom y balance test

Check out our testing team featured in this MLB Prospect Development Pipeline video, including the Y Balance Test, ROM, and grip strength.


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Y-Balance Test Upper Quarter Reliability, Procedure and Normative Data y balance test
By Adam Devery, ATC, PTA, CSCS & Phil Plisky, PT, DSc, ATC, OCS, CSCS 

In Upper Extremity Closed Chain Testing Part 1 we discussed a closed-kinetic chain testing series for overhead athletes as well as the general population. In that series, the Y-Balance Test Upper Quarter was identified as a dyna...

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How to Use the Lower Body Return to Sport Checklist discharge testing fms lower body injury return to sport sfma y balance test

I really think that the lower body return to sport checklist and discharge checklist can accelerate your practice, can really amplify what you're doing because it does a few things.  One, it makes sure that we're being comprehensive in nature.  The guidelines go from simple range of motion and stren...

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How to Use the Group Testing Calculator fms group testing y balance test

I want to talk to you about the Group Testing Calculator and how you can use it.  You can use it any time you are going to do testing of a group. That could be a pre- participation physical of a sports team or performance testing of a group or even in industry or the military we've used it a lot.  A...

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How does the CKCUEST relate to the Y Balance Test Upper Quarter? closed kinetic chain y balance test

With upper body return to sport testing, should you do both a Y Balance Test Upper Quarter and Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test (CKCUEST)

What do they tell us?  Is one a replacement for the other? 

One of the ways I like to look at the upper extremity closed kinetic chain stab...

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Why would you do a Y Balance Test Upper Quarter on someone with a lower body injury? closed kinetic chain lower body injury y balance test

While it seems that upper body closed kinetic chain testing might not be relevant to ankle and knee injuries, its importance and the connection may surprise you.

All right. So the question is, "Why or when do we incorporate upper court quarter Y Balance Test in maybe a lower body injury or why is t...

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How can I make group testing more efficient with limited staff? fms group testing testing y balance test

In this Q & A video, I answer a reader-submitted question about how to use students to make group testing more efficient.

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NHL Combine Features Y Balance Test and FMS combine fms y balance test
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Y Balance Test and Functional Movement Screen Featured at NHL Combine. Check out the video to see the NHLs post about #1 prospect Shane Wright. So great that our team can be integral in the process

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