
Upper Body Extension Rolling upper body

For upper body extension rolling, start with both arms overhead and then bend the lead elbow. Looking at that elbow by turning your head and you're going to pretend that you cannot move from the waist down. You're going to initiate the rolling with your elbow and your head looking, keeping the le...

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Upper Body Flexion Rolling upper body

For upper body rolling both arms overhead and then bring your one arm so it's at a 90 degree angle and you're going to roll, keeping your legs perfectly still. So you are not moving from the waist down. Turn your neck and rotate slowly coming over. And come back. What you can see is how the legs ...

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How to Use the Upper Body Return to Sport Checklist discharge testing return to sport upper body

I want to tell you about using the upper body return to sport checklist.  This is a little bit different. We don't typically see or use return to sport tests as frequently as the lower body.  The lower body is a lot more common, but the upper body is just as important.  The problem is we don't have ...

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