Hey everyone. In this video, we are going to be discussing the A Skip with a double exchange. So it will be very similar to our regular A Skip, except we will be pausing as we alternate between legs. So weā€™ll instruct our athlete to get into the starting position. Same thing with our A Skips, we're ...
Hey everyone. Today we're going to be discussing lateral speed and agility training. And in this video we're going to cover a lateral march. So weā€™ll instruct our athlete to assume the starting position going through a march getting comfortable with that. So marching. And on our signal we'll have th...
Hey, everyone! Today we're going to be discussing a push to base and return for lateral speed and agility. So what we'll do is instruct our athlete to get in the starting position, finding our ready athletic base. We will then push in the direction we want to go with the opposite leg. So push and th...
Hey, everyone. Today we're going to be discussing a lateral push to base drill for lateral speed and agility. So what we'll do is instruct our athlete to get in the starting position in an athletic ready position. Then what we're going to do is we are going to push in the direction of which we want ...
Hey everyone! Today we're going to be discussing an A Hop for maximal speed and acceleration training. So for this drill, it's going to be the same setup as our A March would be. We're going to achieve dorsiflexion or a toe up position with the knee drive. And for this drill, what we're going to do ...
By Carlos Reyes PT, DPT, SCS, MS, CSCS
Change of direction (COD) performance is a key foundation to agility as it incorporates key qualities associated with athletic performance.1 The ability to change direction effectively is considered vital for successful participation in many field and court sp...
By Carlos Reyes PT, DPT, SCS, MS, CSCS
Field tests are widely used to determine performance characteristics of athletes in many different sports. The Illinois Agility Test was designed to test motor ability such as running and dodging agility in athletes. Distinct characteristics of the Illinois Ag...