
Coaches Club -- Clinic
This premium membership includes 5 professionals in your clinic. It gives each person access to the Performance Roadmap, Rehab Roadmap, Career Roadmap, and Communication Training courses plus The Highlight Reel, monthly Q&A sessions, monthly trainings, and exclusive content.

The Huddle
This free membership gives you access to the free resources on my page, a subscription to my newsletter, The Weekly Huddle, plus access to The Huddle online community.
Free Resources

Return To Sport Checklist
Lower Body
Know when your player is ready to go back.

Return to Sport Checklist
Back or neck injury, make confident return to sport decisions.

Return to Sport Checklist
Upper Body
This checklist includes the complexities that an upper extremity injury brings including overhead athlete.

ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation Guidelines
I firmly believe that rehabilitation should not be a cookbook or one size fits all approach. But I believe in having standards in place to optimize recovery and performance.

Group Testing Calculator
This calculator will help you estimate how many people you can test in a given time period. You can adjust the test selection, the number of testers, and your testing time frame.

Return to Throwing Programs
Brian Cole MD Interval Throwing Program
PitchSmart PreSeason Throwing Program
Board Specialty Prep
Figuring out which resources to use to prepare for the PT board specialty exam can be a daunting process. With the right study plan and a few key resources, you can ace the test!
There is one thing that you need to know about preparing: you have to use multiple sources in order to be prepared for the board specialty exam. For example, if you completed a residency program that used much of the material from Evidence in Motion, then I recommend using the MedBridge Specialty Exam Prep Course (they have SCS, OCS, GCS, NCS, PCS). If your residency is like ours, we use a lot of the prep material from MedBridge, so you can certainly use the MedBridge Study Guides and practice exams. I recommend using another program as well (e.g. Evidence in Motion; they have OCS, SCS, and GCS) or The SPTS Sports Certified Specialist Examination Preparatory Course (2020).
Why MedBridge?
MedBridge is an educational resource for people in the medical field. MedBridge offers courses for several different medical industries. They maximize the latest research in adult online learning to bring engaging courses that are separated into modules. After each module there are case-based questions to help promote comprehension of the material.
MedBridge Promo Code
Use code "PLISKY" to get 47% off your MedBridge subscription. If you're a student, you can get up to 76% off!