The Rehab and Performance Lab Podcast


One of my favorite things to do is host a MedBridge live webinar, and the reason for that is we always leave time at the end to answer questions.  And those questions are great because they're real world questions.  They're questions on topics that maybe are a little more controversial or questions that the research doesn't specifically answer. 

And I love that time that we get to dialog and participate in the real world that way.  That's why I'm so excited about the Rehab and Performance Lab podcast hosted by Medbridge because we interview experts where we can get that information, we can get the evidence, we can get the research, but we can also answer the practical questions in real time. 

And basically, I look at it as an opportunity to sit and listen to a conversation kind of behind the scenes with experts.  And I love doing that.  I love learning that way, and I love listening to podcasts.  And the great thing about this is you get to earn CEUs with it, too.

 I hope you'll join us as we build the future of rehabilitation and performance together.

All Episodes  


Is Confidence the Missing Link in Athletes' Return to Play?

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 How to Get Better Results With Patients Who Have More Mobility

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Blood Flow Restriction: Is It a Game Changer for Rehab Professionals?

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 Are You Missing Out on the Latest Treatment for Overuse Injuries?

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Do You Know the Top 5 Updates Orthopedic Rehab Providers Need to Know?

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 Can Insights into Manual Therapy Mechanisms Guide Clinical Practice?

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 Does Everyone Need Pain Neuroscience Education?

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 How Can Identifying Your Patient's Innate Mobility Change Their Outcomes?

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 To Cut or Not to Cut: Where Do We Stand With Surgery and MSK Conditions?

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Unseen Forces:  Do Contextual Factors Matter to Outcomes?

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How Do We Untangle the Evidence Around Shoulder Rehabilitation and Surgery?

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Disconnected Expectations: How Do You Manage ACL Return-to-Sport Timelines?

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How Can We Create Effective Return-to-Running Protocols?

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You can listen to the podcast at the links below.  If you'd like CEUs, make sure to use the MedBridge link.