What is the Coaches Club?

Two things I love professionally: working with athletes and collaborative learning and creation. Sitting around with a passionate group of professionals discussing, learning, debating... it is one of my favorite things to do. 

I have experienced the power of a high-quality community for growth and learning. It changed my career! 

To have a place where you can ask questions without being looked down upon, test new ideas, and be at the forefront of learning, yet in a structured way -- that is what a community gives you.

We built this community to be that place. 



Unfortunately there are so many holes in the continuum of prevention, rehabilitation and performance of our athletes. We want to fill those gaps. We need rehabilitation and performance professionals who can systematically advance an athlete to the highest level without leaving risk factors for injury.

In our experience, most professionals want this information but don't have a solid source to get a practical approach to rehabilitation and performance backed by research. 

Even though we are at different points in our career, we all want to be the best. While learning never ends, it must be structured, consistent, and most importantly, fun and productive with other people.

 That journey continues here in the Coaches Club.

Start Your Membership!

Imposter Syndrome

 I recently received this question from a colleague.

“I’ve completed several continuing education courses, but sometimes I feel like I don’t have what it takes to develop a performance program for my athletes.  It seems like I’m missing the knowledge to put something together that would be useful.  I feel kind of like an imposter.  Can you help?”

I find this to be the case with a lot of physical therapists, athletic trainers, and strength & conditioning coaches  -- imposter syndrome is very real, and I was in that category for a long time. It's actually one of the reasons I created the Coaches Club. The goal is to have continual learning through community interaction, monthly Q&A sessions and webinars.  The most important part is the community of like-minded rehabilitation and performance providers where you can ask questions and not feel intimidated or be fearful that you are going to be called out on social media. 

“It's a postive environment where you're getting feedback from people with all different lenses from different areas of the world."

A.J. Hermann, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC/L




Love what you do and become great doing it!

Join risk free!  If you don't love being part of the Coaches Club, I will give you a full refund!


  “It was exactly what I was looking for.”

Casey Schack DPT, CSCS, Cert-MDT


What is included in membership?

Structured Learning Plan

Sometimes it is just overwhelming to decide what your next learning step should be.

Begin your journey in the Coaches Club by completing an assessment to identify areas for growth and learning. 

A Structured Learning Plan unique to your individual needs is developed to help guide you through the journey to become the best rehabilitation and performance professional you can be. 

Monthly Q&A

Having trouble with a specific athlete? Want to know how to begin a strength and conditioning program for a player? Maybe you need guidance for how to do performance training with your kid's team?

Each month, I answer your questions via video. It is by far one of my favorite parts of this community!  

Monthly Webinar

Engage in monthly webinars covering a wide variety of topics relevant to physical therapists, strength & conditioning coaches, athletic trainers, coaches, and athletes. 

Online Community

A private and safe place to ask your rehabilitation and performance questions, receive encouragement, participate in challenges, and learn from professionals who are passionate about athletes!


Access to my library of resources, including my exclusive Return to Sport Testing Guidelines, structured learning plans (such as Perfecting the Push-Up and Arm Care for Overhead Athletes), and bonus content.

The Highlight Reel

As a Coaches Club member, you will receive The Highlight Reel, which includes learning insights, challenges, and important events happening in the Coaches Club every week.

"Dr. Plisky and the Coaches Club have helped me numerous times to navigate challenging cases and career decision making. I trust Dr. Plisky and the other coaches to guide me in the right direction and provide timely feedback in my times of need. I am so thankful to have Dr. Plisky as a professional mentor and join in the fellowship with the elite clinicians of the Coaches Club. I highly recommend immersing yourself in this mentorship and utilizing their expertise to improve yourself, your career, and your clinical knowledge."

-- Adam Granin, DPT, ProTeam Tactical Performance


    Become a Coaches Club Member today!

Coaches Club -- Monthly

Start on the path of mastery for only $49/month! 

Transform Your Practice -- Join Today!

Coaches Club -- Yearly

Only $40.83 a month (or $480/year) -- save over 17%!

Invest in Your Growth -- Become a Member Today!

Coaches Club -- Clinic

Membership for 5 members of your clinic for only $980/year!

Empower Your Entire Team -- Start Today!

Start Your Path Of Mastery Today!

What else is included in a Coaches Club membership?

  • Structured learning plans
  • Monthly Q&A session  
  • Monthly webinar
  • Resource library 
  • Weekly newsletters
  • Rehab roadmap to optimal performance
  • Career roadmap
  • Becoming a better communicator
  • Exclusive online community
  • Bonus content

100% Money Back Guarantee

I know you'll love being a part of the Coaches Club as much as I do.  That's why I have a 100% money back guarantee.  If you're not happy with your membership, I'll give you a full refund.

If you don't want a Coaches Club membership and would still like to receive The Huddle and have access to my free resources, you can sign-up here.

Do you have questions about the Coaches Club?

Send me an email here. I look forward to hearing from you!