
Isometric Shoulder Internal Rotation internal rotation shoulder


For internal rotation isometric, go ahead and place a towel roll underneath your arm and stand with your shoulder blades down and back. And with your elbow at 90 degrees, go ahead and push into the doorframe for 10s while maintaining that really good posture. And then repeat.Ā 

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Isometric Shoulder Flexion flexion shoulder

For shoulder flexion isometrics, place a towel underneath your arm and then get your shoulder blades down and back with really good posture. Then bend your elbow so it's at 90 degrees and push into the doorframe for 10s. Relax and repeat.Ā 

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Shoulder Extension Range of Motion rom shoulder


All right. Now we're going to measure shoulder extension range of motion. Our athleteā€™s going to be in the prone position with the head in neutral. And we're going to still use our same seize grip stabilizing position. This time I'm going to have my thumb on the backside of the scapula, and my fi...

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