January 2024 Coaches Club Q&A
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In this Q&A video, I address the following questions:
- How do you handle knee pain in the 6-9 month timeframe post ACLR?
- Do you have any suggestions on improving quad strength at 10 months post op?
- FIFA 11+ is helpful for soccer injury reduction. Are there other programs for other sports like b ...
A Commonly Missed Impairment After ACL Reconstruction
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Let's talk about one of the most commonly missed impairments after ACL reconstruction -- loss of knee flexion range of motion. To me, this is defined as getting the ischial tuberosities all the way back to the heels (researchers define it as within 5 degrees compared to the contralateral side).
Upping Your Game in ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation Webinar
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This course will give an evidence-based road map to optimize both rehabilitation and outcomes for patients who have undergone an ACL reconstruction. The course will conclude with clear return-to-sport and ...