
How Do We Untangle the Evidence Around Shoulder Rehabilitation and Surgery? overhead athlete rehab & performance lab

Join me and my guest, Lenny Macrina, MSPT, CSCS, as we discuss shoulder rehabilitation and surgery.  We'll take a deep dive  into the complexities of untangling evidence surrounding shoulder rehabilitation, from dissecting recent research insights to translating them into actionable clinic strate...

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Post-Pitching Arm Care arm care baseball development overhead athlete recovery restoration softball tennis volleyball

What does a post pitching arm care plan look like? 

We want to certainly do our recovery.  We want to do our restoration, but it's also our prime opportunity for development.  And what does development mean?  We want to improve capacity, so we are going to improve strength.  We're going to improve ...

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Capacity and Load Management in Overhead Athletes baseball overhead athlete recovery restoration tennis volleyball

In all sports, but particularly with overhead athletes. We have to consider load management, and we have to consider performance readiness.

What does it look like for a specific warm up? And does a pitcher need something additional or different? And then what does recovery, what does restoration lo...

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Upper Extremity Closed Chain Testing Part 1 closed kinetic chain overhead athlete return to sport

I am frequently asked

“Why should I test someone in the closed kinetic chain when his sport is exclusively performed in the open kinetic chain?”


“Closed kinetic chain testing is not “functional” for a baseball pitcher, why do it?”


What is the goal of closed kinetic chain testing?

First, w...

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Overhead athlete warm up and recovery baseball overhead athlete recovery


 Exercise Club Circles

 This is one of the best exercises for warm-up for the overhead athlete. I also particularly like it for recovery after pitching


6 Position Carry for Training and Recovery

This 6 position carry is an excellent way to restore the shoulder and scapular stability, bal...

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