When it comes to injury prevention, frequently we are excited, passionate and ready to get started only to hit road blocks: no one seems to want to give it the attention that it deserves. Coaches don’t want to give up valuable practice time, parents can’t fit it into jam packed schedules, and athlet...
Please help guard your kids from their next ACL tear. Please.
As a father of 4 boys, protecting their health and well-being is of utmost importance to me. My wife and I believe sports participation offers our children physical, emotional, and leadership benefits. Unfortunately, sports injuries are ...
A True Tale of Two Teams: Team #1
A soccer team wanted to reduce injuries. Well, not exactly. Â The real passion for injury prevention came from a local physical therapist who wanted to reduce injuries on this particular soccer team. The PT volunteered his time and implemented the FMS and Lower Quar...
- Set a movement baseline
- Identify major problems with basic movement patterns