How does the CKCUEST relate to the Y Balance Test Upper Quarter?
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With upper body return to sport testing, should you do both a Y Balance Test Upper Quarter and Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test (CKCUEST)?Â
What do they tell us? Is one a replacement for the other?Â
One of the ways I like to look at the upper extremity closed kinetic chain stab...
Why would you do a Y Balance Test Upper Quarter on someone with a lower body injury?
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While it seems that upper body closed kinetic chain testing might not be relevant to ankle and knee injuries, its importance and the connection may surprise you.
All right. So the question is, "Why or when do we incorporate upper court quarter Y Balance Test in maybe a lower body injury or why is t...
Upper Extremity Closed Chain Testing Part 1
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I am frequently asked
“Why should I test someone in the closed kinetic chain when his sport is exclusively performed in the open kinetic chain?”
“Closed kinetic chain testing is not “functional” for a baseball pitcher, why do it?”
What is the goal of closed kinetic chain testing?
First, w...