
Are asymmetries in the FMS acceptable in one-sided dominant sports? baseball fms soccer softball volleyball

"I have a question about 3/2 asymmetries on the FMS.  I understand that 3/1s and 2/1s are never accepted or acceptable. 3/2s are acceptable on shoulder mobility and pitchers because of the adaptations in the shoulder from throwing." I assume it refers to the humeral torsion that occurs, a bony adapt...

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Mobility Drill for Pitchers baseball hypermobility pitching

This is a mobility drill I frequently use with my pitchers. 

If you're looking for a complete pitcher training program that focuses on readiness, recovery and development, check out the Pitcher Performance & Durability program by Athlete Development Solutions.



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Behind The Scenes Look At MLB Combine Testing baseball functional movement mlb combine

Ever wonder what it is like to be tested at MLB Combine? Check out this video by Dan Sarmiento. The full testing includes the Selective Functional Movement Assessment Top Tier Movements, Functional Movement Screen, range of motion (including all shoulder, elbow and hip range of motion; thoracic rota...

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Post-Pitching Arm Care arm care baseball development overhead athlete recovery restoration softball tennis volleyball

What does a post pitching arm care plan look like? 

We want to certainly do our recovery.  We want to do our restoration, but it's also our prime opportunity for development.  And what does development mean?  We want to improve capacity, so we are going to improve strength.  We're going to improve ...

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Capacity and Load Management in Overhead Athletes baseball overhead athlete recovery restoration tennis volleyball

In all sports, but particularly with overhead athletes. We have to consider load management, and we have to consider performance readiness.

What does it look like for a specific warm up? And does a pitcher need something additional or different? And then what does recovery, what does restoration lo...

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Recovery vs. Restoring After Pitching baseball recovery restoration

Recovering vs restoring after pitching – does the word we use matter? When players become more serious about the game, they understand the importance of preparing their mind and body to compete. Unfortunately, our focus really needs to shift from not only preparing for competition but also restoring...

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Top 5 Reasons Tennis May be a Great Sport to Pair with Baseball and Softball  baseball softball training

To reduce arm injuries, researchers tell us clearly that we should take 3-4 months off of pitching every year. One of the best off-season sports (besides rock climbing), might be tennis. Here are a few reasons that I think it is great for baseball and softball:

5) Developing spin and reading spin w...

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Differentiating soreness, fatigue, and pain in baseball pitchers. arm care baseball

One of the more challenging questions in baseball is how to determine when a pitcher is having pain, soreness, or fatigue.  As a physical therapist, athletic trainer and strength coach, I have the fortune of working at all levels of baseball, from youth to professional.  And this question comes up o...

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Should our pitchers indoor rock climb in the off-season?  baseball pitching

While I am early in forming my opinion on indoor climbing during the off-season, I’m starting to come to some conclusions. There isn’t specific research on the topic, but there is some evidence to support it.  Here are some of my thoughts so far: 

1) Great scapular and upper extremity stability are...

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Baseball Power Position arm care baseball performance

This is an essential position to perform all arm care exercises in.

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Overhead athlete warm up and recovery baseball overhead athlete recovery


 Exercise Club Circles

 This is one of the best exercises for warm-up for the overhead athlete. I also particularly like it for recovery after pitching


6 Position Carry for Training and Recovery

This 6 position carry is an excellent way to restore the shoulder and scapular stability, bal...

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