Things that Unlocked My Career
I was at a conference and one of the questions we discussed was: "What were the things that unlocked your career?" Here are some things I thought about.
1) 500 hours of continuing education in my first 5 years.
That was a game-changer for me. I learned so much, but more importantly, I had so much excitement for my patients. I would go back and want to try all the new things I learned with patients I was struggling with.
Have you ever felt that? It was so energizing. I'm not necessarily recommending 500 hours of CE in 5 years, but I am wondering if that is one of the things we are currently missing in rehabilitation and performance. Is it one of the reasons (of many) that burnout is so high?
2) I thrive on collaborative learning and collaborative creation.
My career was unlocked when I recognized that I thrive on collaborative learning and collaborative creation. What does that mean? I thought I always loved developing new things (think Y Balance Test) and I remembered my aha moment when working on the Fundamental Capacity Screen with my mentor, Gray Cook. I was having a blast even though we were working so hard for so many years on it.
What I enjoyed most about it were the side conversations about family, dreams, and frustrations. We spent time together while we worked. Learning that I work and learn best in community allowed me to break through.
Have you ever noticed how much energy Kyle Matsel and I bring to our ACL courses? We are very passionate about the topic and improving rehabilitation of ACL reconstructions. However, we also feed off each other's energy, and the grueling process of creating those courses is so much better because we take turns shouldering the burden.
Who or what group are you learning with? I challenge you to find them because it can take your career to a whole new level.