Rectus Femoris Treatment - Prone Hip Mobility
Now we're going to show the prone hip mobility exercise. So go ahead and start off by bringing that right foot onto the floor there. And then bring that knee up as far toward your chest as you can. Frequently what I see people not bringing this knee far enough up into the chest so they don't get a good lock out of the lumbar spine, then we're going to take and wrap this arm around that knee. This really hugs that knee into that chest again locking out that lumbar spine. We also want to make sure that this leg is straight in line with the body. It'll sometimes abduct. So we want to make sure we've got that going in a nice straight direction. Now go ahead and bend your knee up just so we can kind of see where her range of motion is. Good. Now we're going to do some PNF stretching here. A lot of times I see therapist make the mistake of going right where the person was able to go to. We actually want to back off quite a bit of that. This is can be a pretty aggressive stretch if we don't. And you get more mileage if you kind of ease into it. So go ahead and push down into my hand. And relax. And push down. And relax. And that's usually where we see the biggest improvement is right in that second rep there. Okay and push down. And relax. Frequently I'll follow it up with, now I'll have the person actively contract through that new range of motion. Go ahead bring it up. Really emphasizing keeping those hips down and back down. Then go ahead and relax there. We can also emphasize the hip flexor in this stretch as well. And we can do that by bending the knee up. And then I'm going to bring her hip up. And she's going to push down into my hand. So go ahead and push down. And relax. And then I lift up push down. And relax. And this is really getting into that hip extension. Push down. And relax.