It's Fall Festival Time
It is Fall Festival Time in Evansville Indiana. The Fall Festival is the second largest street festival next to Mardi Gras. Imagine hundreds of food trucks with fried everything (yes, including crickets, Oreos, Twinkies, Kool-Aid) and local favorites like the donut burger, brain sandwich, and Grippos BBQ chips. That is Fall Festival. People always talk about how bad the food is for you, and I don't disagree. I also believe that if you eat well most weeks out of the year, holidays and the Fall Festival are great times to enjoy your favorites (my favorite fall festival foods are the sausage burger, pulled pork parfait, foot-long corn dog, and crab rangoon).
Why all of the talk about eating poorly? I think too often we focus on what we are doing wrong in life. Let's take learning for example. You could bemoan all of the things you are not doing from a learning perspective, or you can celebrate the fact that you are reading this newsletter that contains (hopefully) information to take your rehabilitation and performance knowledge to the next level. Instead of focusing on what you have not done from a learning perspective, focus on you what will do starting today. Maybe it is signing up for that continuing education course you have always wanted to take or watching the online course you have been putting off. Whatever it is, take a step toward it today and don't worry about how many sausage burgers and corn dogs you had yesterday.