A Humble Brag?
I don't know how to say this without it coming off as a humble brag or even just an outright brag. But I need to tell you something because I think there are some good lessons I learned from it and I want to share them with you.
I won the Berger Faculty Scholarship Award from the University of Evansville.
While I am honored and humbled, I am even more grateful for the people who made this award possible. I have been on so many research teams with so many amazing professionals (too many to name). These teams are the sole reason I have any success in research.
Second, my department chair and colleagues had to go through tremendous work to nominate me. We have the most incredible team in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at the University of Evansville. The students and the faculty are THE reason I do what I do there. Without the tireless work of my colleagues none of this would be possible and the award wouldn't have been given.
Finally, and most importantly, my family and friends are so supportive of me. Particularly my great wife who has supported my tirelessly. While she is also at PT, ATC, with DSc in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy, she has been supporting me (some would say carrying me) since PT school and over our 25 year career.
But here are the key takeaways:
You need a team - a team you work with, a team you play with. A team is what makes all of this work fun. A professional team supports you as you support them. A professional team who pushes you as you push them. You also need your personal team, friends and family who are there for you.
If you don't have those things in your life and career, work to get them. Work to get them by serving others and you will be surprised what happens.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me!